PO文学 > 综合其它 > Poems and Songs of Robert Burns > Heres A Health To Them Thats Awa
  here's a health to them that's awa
  here's a health to them that's awa,
  here's a health to them that's awa;
  and wha winna wish gude luck to our cause,
  may never gude luck be their fa'!
  it's gude to be merry and wise,
  it's gude to be honest and true;
  it's gude to support caledonia's cause,
  and bide by the buff and the blue.
  here's a health to them that's awa,
  here's a health to them that's awa,
  here's a health to charlie the chief o' the clan,
  altho' that his band be but sma'!
  may liberty meet wi' success!
  may prudence protect her frae evil!
  may tyrants and tyranny tine i' the mist,
  and wander their way to the devil!
  here's a health to them that's awa,
  here's a health to them that's awa;
  here's a health to tammie, the norlan' laddie,
  that lives at the lug o' the law!
  here's freedom to them that wad read,
  here's freedom to them that wad write,
  there's nane ever fear'd that the truth should be heard,
  but they whom the truth would indite.
  here's a health to them that's awa,
  an' here's to them that's awa!
  here's to maitland and wycombe, let wha doesna like 'em
  be built in a hole in the wa';
  here's timmer that's red at the heart
  here's fruit that is sound at the core;
  and may he be that wad turn the buff and blue coat
  be turn'd to the back o' the door.
  here's a health to them that's awa,
  here's a health to them that's awa;
  here's chieftain m'leod, a chieftain worth gowd,
  tho' bred amang mountains o' snaw;
  here's friends on baith sides o' the firth,
  and friends on baith sides o' the tweed;
  and wha wad betray old albion's right,
  may they never eat of her bread!