PO文学 > 综合其它 > 必备英语口语2000句 > Lesson 04 球赛
  lesson 04 球赛
  ball games
  01 i really enjoy watching the live basketball matches on tv.
  live作形容词时,有“现场直播”的意思,固定短语live on tv的意思是“在电视上直播”。
  02 the ncaa basketball championship was won by our school.
  短语be won by 的主语往往是某奖项或荣誉,而宾语则是某个人或某个团队,意思是“……(奖项)被……赢得”。
  03 our school beat their school at football game.
  beat 是及物动词,意思是“赢,战胜”,后面跟的是比赛、竞争对手或战争中的敌人。
  04 it's a shame that our country lost the game.
  词组释义 lose the game 比赛失败
  05 my father is a football lover.
  lover 不仅仅有“爱人”的意思,还可以表示“爱好者,嗜好者,发烧友”,指对某一事物有着强烈热爱的人。
  06 i have been following nba for this season.
  i pay close attention to nba for this season. / i am concerned about nba for this season.
  07 basketball is a popular sport in america.
  basketball is hot in america. / basketball is a fashion sport in america. / basketball is very big in america.
  08 the ping-pong ball championship was breathtaking.
  championship [?t??mp??n??p] n. 锦标赛,冠军赛
  breathtaking [?breθte?k??] adj. 激动人心的,惊险的,刺激的
  09 rockets is having a heyday this season.
  heyday 的意思是“全盛期,盛世,巅峰”,固定短语有in one's heyday,表示“在某人的鼎盛期”。
  10 what position does messi play?
  注意事项 这句话主要用于足球类的体育比赛中。
  11 is bowling included in the olympics?
  单词释义 bowling [?b??l??] n. 保龄球
  12 the umpire showed him a yellow card in the mid court for a tussle with the striker.
  经常用于足球比赛中,show sb a yellow card 意思是“向某人亮黄牌以示警告”。当运动员在比赛中犯规时,裁判就会出黄牌对运动员进行警告。当犯规严重时,裁判就会出示红牌勒令该运动员退场,两张黄牌等于一张红牌。
  13 scola blocked a free kick on the edge of the penalty area.
  词组释义 penalty area 罚球区,禁区
  14 the player was fouled out.
  注意事项 be fouled out 意思是“被罚下场,被罚出场”,经常用于体育比赛中。
  15 how many innings in a softball game?
  语法提要 inning是可数名词,表示“局,回和”,经常用于比赛中。
  16 billy had two goals in the first half.
  词组释义 in the first half 在上半场
  17 in a basketball game, if a player has been committed five fouls then he would be ordered off.
  词组释义 order off 勒令……退出比赛
  18 argentina has a commanding lead of twenty to ten in the first half.
  commanding lead 的意思是“遥遥领先,绝对领先”,用于比赛中双方得分差距较大。后面若有比分时,则加上介词of,表示“以……比分遥遥领先”。
  19 this pingpang game is the best of five sets.
  词组释义 the best of five sets 五局三胜制