PO文学 > 综合其它 > 必备英语口语2000句 > Lesson 01 唱歌
  unit 04
  entertainment and travelling
  lesson 01 唱歌
  01 i'm really fond of singing.
  类似表达 i like singing. / i like to sing. / i am interested in singing.
  02 my hobby is singing.
  单词释义 hobby [?h?b?] n. 兴趣,爱好
  03 my favorite form of music is pop.
  pop music is my favorite. / i like nothing better than pop. / which i like best is pop.
  04 her singing is wonderful.
  单词释义 wonderful [?w?nd?fl] adj. 极好的,美妙的,精彩的
  05 i like to listen to her songs.
  like to do sth 表示喜欢做某事,不带有持续性,只在某一阶段喜欢,不代表一直喜欢。
  06 i like listening to her songs.
  语法提要 like doing sth 表示的是一种爱好,嗜好,带有持续性。
  07 jerry passed his time in singing all the time.
  词组释义 pass the time 消磨时光,打发时间
  08 i can't stand his singing.
  i can't put up with his singing. / i can't bear his singing. / i can't sit down with his singing.
  09 you always sing out of the tune.
  类似表达 you always sing out of key. / you always sing in the wrong key.
  10 a good musicality is important in singing.
  单词释义 musicality [?mju:z?'k?l?t?] n. 音乐性,乐感
  11 when the group sing, their voices had a good teamwork.
  类似表达 when the group sing, their voices blend very nice.
  12 i can't remember the rhythm of this song clearly.
  单词释义 rhythm [?r?e?m] n. 节奏,韵律
  13 would you mind if i change another song?
  注意事项 would you mind经常用于询问对方的意见,是一种委婉语气。
  14 i wonder how you distinguish the different musical styles.
  15 i have a poor musicality.
  poor 作形容词,不仅仅表示“贫穷的,可怜的”,还可以用来表示在某方面匮乏,不擅长做某事。
  16 he is a karaoke master.
  注意事项 karaoke master多含贬义,指霸占着麦克风且五音不全的人。
  17 the songs of michael jackson had become a classic.
  单词释义 classic [?kl?s?k] n.经典,典型,范例 adj. 著名的,典型的,有趣的
  18 david is tone-deaf.
  单词释义 tone-deaf ['t??ndef] adj. 五音不全的,音盲的
  19 singing is a perfect way to relax.
  20 what do you think is the most important in a cantata?
  单词释义 cantata [k?n?tɑ:t?] n. 大合唱