PO文学 > 综合其它 > 必备英语口语2000句 > Lesson 07 论文
  lesson 07 论文
  01 i need to write at least five theses this semester.
  语法提要 theses 为thesis的复数形式,是“学术论文”的意思。
  02 how is your paper coming along?
  how about your paper? / how is your paper? / how's your paper going?
  03 what topic is your dissertation on?
  单词释义 dissertation [?d?s??te??n] n. 论文,毕业论文,学位论文
  04 you should distill at least three keywords from your dissertation.
  单词释义 distill [d?s't?l] vt. 提炼,抽出……的精华 vi. 蒸馏,精炼,渗出
  05 this paper can be divided into three parts.
  three parts comprises this paper. / this paper falls into three parts. / this thesis is composed of three parts.
  06 before you start the writing, you should work out an outline for the essay.
  词组释义 work out 制定出
  07 everyone is expected to make a brief outline for the paper.
  all of you are required to draw up an outline for your dissertation. / everyone ought to give a broad outline of your thesis.
  08 fiona is discussing the dissertation topic with her supervisor.
  单词释义 supervisor [?su:p?va?z?(r)] n. 导师,主管,监督人
  09 can you tell me how to develop a research paper?
  would you mind telling me how to write a research paper? / would you like to tell me how a research paper is written?
  10 what's the role of the abstract of dissertation?
  what's the function of the abstract of thesis? / what's the action of the abstract of paper? / what role does the abstract play in the dissertation?
  11 his paper is very convincing.
  his paper argues so persuasively. / his paper writes with force. / his paper is very persuasive.
  12 how many parts does your paper consist of?
  类似表达 how many parts does your paper include?
  13 the supervisor said that my dissertation was full of redundancies.
  单词释义 redundancy [r?'d?nd?ns?] n. 冗长,措辞重复
  14 you'd better give a brief introduction of your innovation point in this part.
  单词释义 innovation [??n??ve??n] n. 新观念,创新,改革
  15 it's the conclusion of the dissertation.
  it's the summarization of the dissertation. / it summarizes the thesis. / it's the sum-up about this paper.
  16 they are required to take part in the thesis defense.
  词组释义 take part in 参加……,参加……活动 thesis defense 论文答辩
  17 i have to hand in the typewritten dissertation before friday.
  单词释义 typewritten [?ta?pr?tn] adj. 打印的,打字机打出的
  18 steven forgot to insert footnotes in his dissertation.
  steven forgot to footnote his dissertation. / steven forgot to add / subjoin / append footnotes to his dissertation.
  19 how long did it take to write this paper?
  how much time did you spend in writing this paper? / how long did you work on your paper? / how much time did you spend on this paper?