PO文学 > 综合其它 > 必备英语口语2000句 > Lesson 15 酒吧
  lesson 15 酒吧
  01 shall we go to the bar tonight?
  how about going to the bar tonight? / what about going to the bar tonight? / let's go to the bar tonight, ok?
  02 why not open a bottle of champagne to celebrate?
  why not用于疑问句中,表示“为什么不……”,常用来提建议;当用作回答对方的提议放在肯定句中时作肯定回答,表示“好呀,为什么不呢”。
  03 would you like to have a glass of sherry?
  单词释义 sherry [??er?] n. 雪利酒
  04 i would like to have a glass of scotch whisky.
  i feel like a glass of scotch whisky. / i want to have a glass of scotch whisky. / i would like a glass of scotch whisky.
  05 let's tie one on!
  词组释义 tie one on 喝得大醉,畅饮
  06 give me a glass of light beer please.
  类似表达 pour me a glass of beer please.
  07 would you like to try a glass of martell cordon bleu?
  do you want to have a try at martell cordon bleu? / would you like a glass of martell cordon bleu? / do you want a glass of martell cordon bleu?
  08 may i buy you a drink?
  09 would you like to have a try at this cocktail? it is our bartender's masterpiece.
  单词释义 cocktail [?k?kte?l] n. 鸡尾酒 masterpiece [?mɑ:st?p?:s] n. 杰作,名作
  10 let's drink a toast to our friendship!
  let's toast to our friendship! / let's drink to our friendship! / cheers for our friendship!
  11 would you like another cup?
  would you like a refill? / would you like one more? / how about another cup? / would you like another cup? / how about a refill?
  12 please try out the martell cordon bleu.
  词组释义 try out 试用,尝试,试验
  13 may i have the honor to buy you a drink?
  类似表达 may i buy you a drink tonight? / may i offer you a drink tonight?
  14 i'd like to propose a toast!
  propose [pr??p??z] vt. 提议,计划,推荐,求婚 vi. 做出计划,打算,求婚
  15 may i help you to another glass?
  类似表达 shall i get you some more wine? / can i get you another drink?
  16 i am a wimpy drinker.
  类似表达 i am a little drinker. / i get drunk quickly. / i get drunk easily.
  17 it is really fun to drink with you.
  在这个句子中,fun用作形容词,表示“有趣的,令人愉快的”,really作副词来修饰形容词。it is fun to do sth表示“做某事很有趣”; drink with sb表示“和某人一起喝酒”。
  18 how do you like tequila?
  单词释义 tequila [t??k?:l?] n. 蒸馏酒,龙舌兰酒
  19 how do you like a cup of liqueur?
  would you like a cup of liqueur? / would you like to have a cup of liqueur? / do you want a cup of liqueur?