PO文学 > 综合其它 > 必备英语口语2000句 > Lesson 11 烹饪
  lesson 11 烹饪
  01 are you interested in cooking?
  do you go for cooking? / does cooking appeal to you? / are you keen on cooking? / are you fond of cooking? / do you like cooking?
  02 cooking is my long suit.
  词组释义 long suit 长处,强项
  03 are you good at cooking?
  do you have excellent culinary skills? / do you skilled in cooking? / do you adept at cooking?
  04 could you give me a hand in the kitchen?
  could you do me a favor in the kitchen? / can you help me in the kitchen? / could you lend me a favor in the kitchen?
  05 what would you like to eat for dinner?
  what do you want to eat for dinner? / what would you like to have for dinner?
  06 lucy is not very good at cooking.
  类似表达 lucy is not much of a cook. / lucy is not very skill in cooking.
  07 i make some spaghetti for dinner.
  词组释义 spaghetti [sp??get?] n. 意大利面条,意大利式细面条
  08 cooking is no easy matter for me.
  类似表达 it's not easy to cook for me. / cooking is not duck soup for me.
  09 do you know how to cook french cuisine?
  类似表达 can you cook french cuisine?
  10 could you teach me the ways of cooking spaghetti bolognese?
  can you teach me how to cook spaghetti bolognese? / do you mind teaching me how to cook spaghetti bolognese?
  11 she has excellent culinary skills.
  类似表达 her culinary skills are superb. / she is a first-rate cook.
  12 lydia likes to spend hours cooking in the kitchen in her free time.
  类似表达 lydia likes spending time cooking in the kitchen.
  13 i had taken some lessons of french cookery.
  类似表达 i had some training in cooking french cuisine.
  14 i have to get your recipe.
  单词释义 recipe [?res?p?] n. 食谱,秘诀,处方
  15 i am busy cooking dinner.
  am是be动词,busy常作形容词,be busy doing sth 表示“忙于做某事”。
  16 i am frying the eggs in the pan.
  单词释义 fry [fra?] vt. 油煎,油炸,油炒 vi. 用油煎,用油炸 n. 油炸食物,鱼苗
  17 cooking is an enjoyable task for me.
  类似表达 it is pleasant to cook for me.
  18 would you like me to cut up the tomatoes for you?
  词组释义 cut up 切碎,切开
  19 i will prepare the vegetables for cooking.
  类似表达 i will fix up some vegetables for cooking.