PO文学 > 综合其它 > 必备英语口语2000句 > Lesson 12 复活节
  lesson 12 复活节
  01 happy easter!
  类似表达 have a good easter! / best wishes for happy easter!
  02 colored eggs and bunnies are the most representative mascot in easter.
  单词释义 representative [?repr?'zent?t?v] adj. 有代表性的,典型的
  03 it's fun to paint easter eggs.
  it在这句话中充当的是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式to paint easter eggs。
  04 easter comes a little early than ever.
  05 colored eggs is the symbol of easter.
  单词释义 symbol [?s?mbl] n. 象征,符号,标志
  06 could you tell me the story of easter?
  would you like to share the story of easter with me? / could you tell me easter's story? / do you feel like sharing the story about easter with me?
  07 what time do you celebrate easter?
  celebrate [?sel?bre?t] vt. 庆祝,赞美,祝贺 vi. 庆祝,举行宗教仪式,过节
  08 easter is a time to go to church.
  词组释义 go to church 去教堂做礼拜
  09 i determine to play the easter bunny.
  单词释义 determine [d?'t?:m?n] vt. 决定,判定 vi. 结束,终止
  10 we are extremely happy during easter, because we have a month off.
  词组释义 have a month off 休息一个月,有一个月的假期
  11 finding easter egg is a tradition that related to easter in america.
  动词原形不能单独做主语,要么用动词的-ing形式,要么用动词的不定式形式,所以这句话还可以说成to find easter egg is a tradition that related to easter in america.
  12 children like the game that looking for the easter eggs very much.
  词组释义 look for 寻找
  13 i want to paint my own easter egg in purple.
  颜色前面加介词in可以表示“用……颜色”,如:i'd like to draw in red. 我想要用红笔画画。
  14 the date of easter is movable.
  单词释义 movable [?mu:v?bl] adj. 不固定的,活动的,可移动的
  15 can you tell me the origin and function of easter eggs?
  i wonder the origin and function of easter eggs. / would you like to share the origin and function of easter eggs with me? / would you mind telling me the origin and function of easter eggs?
  16 you must have a happy easter.
  情态动词must在这里表示推测的意思,其否定形式是mustn't,表示“禁止,不许”,如today is saturday; she must be at home. 今天是星期六,她肯定在家。you mustn't smoke here. 你不许在这里吸烟。