PO文学 > 综合其它 > 必备英语口语2000句 > Lesson 09 登门拜访
  lesson 09 登门拜访
  paying a visit
  01 i'm new here, please take care.
  02 glad to see you, i finally got a new neighbor.
  nice to meet you! i eventually got a new neighbor. / i'm happy to see you, i got a new neighbor now.
  03 do welcome to my new house.
  助动词do放在动词前表示强调,如:do remember to turn off the light. 这里的do可译为“务必,一定”;原句中的do则表达了房主对客人热情的欢迎,可译为“非常,十分”。
  04 your house is light, and it has good ventilation.
  单词释义 ventilation [?vent?'le??n] n. 通风设备,空气流通
  05 what do you think of this flat?
  类似表达 how do you feel about this flat? / how do you like this apartmet?
  06 welcome to drop round at any time.
  词组释义 drop round 串门
  07 i'm looking forward to meeting you in my home.
  look forward to后面可以直接加名词,如i'm looking forward to your reply;还可以加动词,但一定要用动名词形式。
  08 i love the decoration of your house; how long did it take?
  当句子前一部分出现过的名词或名词短语在后面再一次出现时,要用指示代词it代替,原句中的it指代的是上半句中的名词短语the decoration of your house。
  09 i'm visiting you because i want to invite you to have a dinner with us.
  单词释义 invite [?n?va?t] vt. 邀请,引诱,招致,请求 n. 邀请
  10 i'm dropping by you because i'm on a business trip.
  词组释义 drop by 顺便拜访
  11 it's great that you can come here.
  类似表达 it's kind of you to be here. / it's nice to have you here.
  12 permit me to visit you next time.
  这句话通常用于当他人邀请你去他家而你又没有时间的情况下,permit me是表达建议或意图的一种礼貌用语。
  13 i just stop by and have a chat with you.
  词组释义 have a chat with sb 和某人聊天
  14 i heard that you moved into a new house, so i come over today.
  不定冠词放在第一次提到的人或物之前表介绍,如:a toy was found in my room。
  15 help yourself!
  类似表达 please make yourself at home.
  16 i stopped by just for killing the time.
  词组释义 kill the time 打发时间,消磨时间
  17 is it convenient if i visit you this weekend?
  would it be convenient if i drop round this weekend? / if you're convenient, i want to visit you this weekend. / do you mind if i visit you this weekend?