PO文学 > 综合其它 > 必备英语口语2000句 > Lesson 07 征询与确认
  lesson 07 征询与确认
  inquiry and confirmatio
  01 could you tell me where the nearest bookstore is?
  how can i get to the nearest bookstore? / could you tell me the way to the nearest bookstore? / excuse me, can you direct me to the nearest bookstore?
  02 where can i post the parcel?
  单词释义 post [p??st] vt. 邮寄,张贴,宣布
  03 how long will it take?
  特殊疑问词how long可以用来询问时间或距离的长短,当用来询问距离时,相当于how far。
  04 what is the itinerary?
  单词释义 itinerary [a??t?n?r?r?] n. 路线,旅行指南,旅程 adj. 巡回的,旅程的
  05 how much do i need to pay for it?
  how much does it cost? / how much is it? / how much is required for it?
  06 could you tell me when the next bus is?
  语法提要 定冠词the在这里指的是谈话双方都知道的事物,即下一班公交车。
  07 is there any express bus?
  词组释义 express bus 直达车
  08 please confirm that your seat belt is fastened.
  单词释义 fasten [?fɑ:sn] vt. 系牢,使稳固 vi. 紧握,集中注意力
  09 may i look up the flight-table first?
  词组释义 look up 查阅
  10 it's for deluxe suites, is it right?
  词组释义 deluxe suites 豪华套房
  11 we are anxious to know how long it will take you to deliver the goods.
  单词释义 deliver [d??l?v?(r)] vt. 递送,发表,交付 vi. 投递,传送
  12 i'm going to be late. could you put your foot down?
  类似表达 i'm in a hurry; please step on it. / i'm pressed for time. could you speed it up?
  13 would you mind telling me where i should get off?
  14 do you know what i mean?
  do you understand me? / do you catch my meaning? / do you know what i am talking about? / have you got it?
  15 you need to consult with your doctor about your health.
  单词释义 consult [k?n?s?lt] vt. 查阅,请教 vi. 咨询,商议
  16 you'd better confirm the correct cooking time before cooking.
  17 someone confirmed that tom and mary fell in love at the first sight.
  词组释义 fall in love at the first sight 一见钟情
  18 it was proved that he is the man who broke his leg in maneuver.
  单词释义 maneuver [m?'nu:v?] n. 演习,策略,花招 vt.vi. 演习,调遣,机动